This frequently asked questions page allows people to find quick answers to their inquiries. It looks and works almost the same as the Issues page.

Live demo: https://arrive.chuckwalladesign.com/faq

1. In the dashboard, click Website > New Page to create a new page. You can type anything under Name and Slug, but we prefer to use "FAQ" to indicate what the page is for. Make sure the page type is FAQ.

2. It's important to upload a hero image and text. Make sure it's an attractive, high resolution (1440 x 800 pixels or higher) image of your candidate.

Find your page in the dashboard by locating the Name or Slug you gave it. Click on it, then click Files.

Upload your image to Files from your computer. The filename MUST include the abbreviation "bg" in it (stands for background).

Add a hero tag to the page. This makes it so the theme registers that you want to display a hero image.

Note: We recommend cropping a separate version (400 x 300 pixels) to accommodate mobile devices. The filename MUST contain the word "mobile" for the theme to display it.

3. To add questions and answers to your FAQ page, click Questions & subpages then put in your Headline / Question and click "Add question". Click on the Answer WYSIWYG area to add your answer. These display in an accordion format that your visitors can toggle to read.

Last updated